Trafficking of people, or human trafficking, is an illegal activity that touches all nations and has long-lasting physical, social, and psychological consequences for survivors and all those involved. Traffickers exploit both genders, all ethnicities, the aged and...
Physicians Assistants
044 | The Epidemic Behind the Pandemic: Assessment and Treatment of Compassion Fatigue, Burnout, and Vicarious Trauma
It is well-documented that the COVID-19 pandemic left a huge legacy of compassion fatigue in the medical community, resulting in consequences like physical and mental health challenges and large numbers of healthcare workers leaving their jobs or even abandoning the...
043 | The Role of Emotional and Relational Intelligence (E.R.I.) in Treating Anxiety, Depression, and Social Isolation
Christ said, “… I have come that they may have life, and that they may have it more abundantly” (John 10:10, NKJV). Unfortunately, the sad reality is that most people, including Christians, are not living or enjoying the “abundant” life that our Lord designed us to...
042 | Deconstructing Negative Self Talk: Practical Tools to Escape a Toxic Mindset
Though it is normal to get in a negative space, marked by negative thoughts, feelings, and behaviors, people desire to reside in a positive space with hopeful thoughts, feelings, and behaviors. The presenters will use Switch Theory, a new modality based on Cognitive...
028 | Abuse, Trauma, and the Emotionally Destructive Relationship
We have all heard the nursery rhyme, “Sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will never hurt me.” It is a lie. The Bible says that words harm people and that reckless words pierce like a sword. Current research agrees that emotional abuse can harm a person’s...
021 | From Fixing to Attending: Faith-based Framework for the Use of Psychiatric Medications
Many Americans take medications for mental health problems, and faith-based clients and patients often have questions about the appropriate use of psychiatric medications. While medications can be helpful, the way that psychologists, other licensed mental health...
023 | Gender Identity & Religious Faith in Clinical Practice
Helping people navigate diverse gender identities and gender identity questions is complex and often polarizing work. For families informed by conventionally religious faith, some approaches to care raise as many questions as answers. This pre-conference workshop will...
024 | Military Strong: Resilience in the Midst of PTSD, Suicide, and Reintegration
The military ethos has been one of toughness and implies that service members can face any situation, overcome any threat, and defeat the enemy. Despite these expectations, servicemembers are continuously faced with traumatic events, which can result in problems with...
025 | The Deepest Place: Suffering and the Formation of Hope
Our encounter with suffering has many sources—not least of which is ourselves. Indeed, some of our suffering will endure throughout our entire lives. How is it possible for us to form hope in the face of suffering? Moreover, how does research from interpersonal...
026 | Change Your Brain Every Day: Developing Elite Mental Performance
The brain is involved in everything clients do and everything they are. In this workshop, the presenter will share the most practical lessons he has learned from building the world’s largest database of brain scans related to psychiatry. Licensed mental health...