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031 | The Anxiety Reset: Effective Collaborative Treatments and Strategies for Anxiety Disorders

Preconference Workshops


Gregory Jantz, Ph.D.



Approved For CE

Psychologists, Licensed Professional Counselors, Licensed Marriage and Family Therapists, Licensed Clinical Social Workers, Pastors, Pastoral Counselors, Lay Counselors, and Coaches

Approved For CME/CEU

Medical Doctors, Osteopathic Doctors, Physicians Assistants, Midwives, Nurses and Nurse Practitioners




According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), more than one in four American adults suffer from an anxiety disorder, including over 40% of young adults (ages 18-29). This mental health challenge is not going away and has been exacerbated by transit through a multi-year global pandemic. However, according to an APA online survey, nearly half of respondents expressed unease about returning to in-person interactions as restrictions eased. Anxiety in America continues to recast itself, even in this “new normal.” Treatment strategies used by psychologists, licensed mental health professionals, and medical professionals must do the same. Existing strategies show effectiveness but have not outpaced anxiety’s rise. In anxiety treatment, one size does not fit all. Experience in whole-person, integrative care for mental health issues has shown “it takes a village” to address anxiety’s emotional, physical, relational, and spiritual components, requiring collaboration among healthcare professionals and treatment providers. 

Learning Objectives

Create a list of accessible, potential collaborative professional relationships to assist in the anxiety treatment of their clients  
Analyze the existing anxiety treatments of individual clients and make recommendations for collaborative services/resources in addition to current anxiety treatments
Describe the potential efficacy of these service/resource additions to their clients